25 June 2024

When two become one

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Job sharing involves two people working part-time hours to fulfil a full-time role.

While part-time working is the most common form of flexible working, job sharing is sometimes overlooked, for fear of it being too complicated or having to find your job- share partner. However, job sharing can work incredibly well and doesn’t need to be complicated. It’s a great way to develop your career as well as maintain a good work-life balance. Job sharing can help people to work part-time at a more senior level, or can be a way to partner with someone who complements your skills, meaning that together you can meet all the requirements of a role.

If you’re considering a job share, here are some tips for how you can make it as smooth as possible…





Job shares can also help if you want to reduce your hours but would really like to stay in your role. Take a look at our example of Jenny who chose job sharing as a way to enable her to take partial retirement. It’s worth noting that you don’t have to find your job share partner yourself – your employer can advertise a job share role.

If job share isn’t for you, then perhaps you can find another way to work flexibly? Take a look at our finding flex section to inspire you.